Ivo Yordanov (baritono)                                                                                                          << 

Personal information


- Voice Baritone.

- Marital status: Not married.

- Nationality: Bulgarian.

- Age:28

- Place of Birth: Varna, Bulgaria.



Work experience


2008-2009 Sofia Opera, Bulgaria

- La fanciulla dal West - Sonorra - Puccini


2006-2007 I/arna Opera, Bulgaria

- The Marriage of Figaro - The Count -Mozart

- Marcel - Ia Boheme - Puccini

- Figaro - The barber of Seville - Rossini


2004/2005 State Musical Academy Opera Studio

- The Magic Flute - Papageno

- American Weekend - Tom

- Etc.


2003- Bulgarian National Opera Sofia, Bulgaria - Soloíst

- The wizard of Oz - The scarecrow and the wizard itself.

- Macbeth - The tree spirits.

- Turandot - The mandarin.

- Etc.





2003 -2008 - State Musical Academy Sofia, Bulgaria Vocal Studies

- Student in the class of Mrs. Christina Angelakova, Ph. D.


1998-2003 - Sofia University Sofia, Bulgaria History of the Culture





Bulgarian, Russian, English



Awards rcceived


2008 - Finalist at the "Boris Christoff'" Intemational Competition on Sofia The final round is to be during the 2008/2009 season at the Sofia National Opera.


2007 - First prize at the *Svetoslav Obretenov'' competition, Provadia, Bulgaria

2007 - Represented Bulgaria at the 2007 BBC "Cardiff Singer of the world" competition.

2006 - Bulgarian National Opera "Hristo Brumbarov'' National Competition - 3th prize

2005 - "Puldin" International young opera singers competition - Plovdiv, Second Prize

2005 - "Hristo BRUMBAROV"Academic Competition, Sofia- Grand Prix, First Prize and Special Prize

2004 - Selected for participating in the Placido Domingo's World Opera Competition - Operalia 2004 in L.A.

2002 - Dobrich - Albena Intemational Music Contest, Bulgaria -3rd prize.

1999 - Varna Music School competition "Dobri HRISTOV" - 1st prize



Rielaborazione di "Carmen" di Georges Bizet - Atto unico

Adattamento di Jean-Claude Carričre e Peter Brook - Musica di Marius Costant   

Spoleto - TEATRO CAIO MELISSO - 17 settembre 2010 (Prima)



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